Sateh Ayam Mini Croquettes

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The Holtkamp Horeca Sateh Ayam croquette is new to our assortment.

The filling is made with chicken broth, chicken meat, sambal, coconut cream, seroendeng, fried onion, Madame Jeanette pepper, ginger, and lime.

The fusion of oriental flavors makes the Sateh Ayam croquette unique,

while the crispy crust provides a pleasant bite to this distinctive product.


This Holtkamp horeca croquette also features the wafer-thin, crispy crust of breadcrumbs. Read our baking tips for the best results!

Artikelnummer 110411

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23% Chicken

40 gram per piece

28 pieces per box

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Also available:

Sateh Ayam croquettet

Sateh Ayam bitterbal 

View the full range

The Holtkamp Horeca (mini) croquettes and bitterballen are available at specialized hospitality wholesalers. Please contact us for sales addresses.


Do you serve this product? We would be happy to provide you with a text suggestion for your menu:

The fusion of oriental flavors makes the Sateh Ayam croquette unique, while the crispy, delicate crust provides a pleasant bite to this distinctive product.

Serving suggestions

Our croquettes are delicious on a sandwich, but there are also other ways to enjoy them.

Get inspired on the serving suggestionspage.


Do you want to treat your hospitality guests with our patisserie or croquetterie, but first experience the power of Holtkamp Horeca's quality yourself? We would be happy to come to your location for a tasting.